All diving operations require planning and foresight. The diver
must be placed in the job under optimum conditions of
knowledge, equipment, ability, safety and freedom from
distractions. The diving contractor is responsible for the
planning of the diving operation and assessment of all possible
risks that may be involved in ensuring the safety and health of
all diving team members, and the issuance of the Diving Rules.
Planning and Assessment

In planning a diving operation, prime consideration should be
given to the type of underwater operation and the conditions of the
site in which the work is carried out. The diving contractor
should obtain appropriate information about the work and the
work site including the maximum depth and depth at the
greatest tide during the work period, the underwater conditions
and environment, and the water temperature.
The diving contractor should determine which diving mode is
most appropriate for the diving operation taking into
consideration the type of work to be done by the diver, the
equipment required, the conditions under which the diver will
work and the inherent risks and limitations of different breathing
Such factors as the nature of the work, the required diving
mode and the time spent underwater should be considered in
deciding on the composition of diving team or teams, breathing
gas and other supplies, supporting services, and
decompression procedures and facilities.
Careful consideration should also be given to the surface
conditions that will be encountered at the scene of the
operation. These conditions include the state of the sea,
weather, visibility, tide, currents, presence of ship or other craft
movement in the vicinity and any other hazards that may affect
the operation such as a shark attack.
Diving Rules
Diving Rules are detailed instructions issued by the diving
contractor to the diving supervisor and other diving team
members in relation to the general conduct of the diving
operation in a safe and healthful manner. The diving supervisor
should ensure that every diving team member has ready
access to relevant parts of the Diving Rules and understands
one’s own duties, safe practices, and emergency procedures
and arrangements.
Diving Rules should cover planning, preparation, procedures
during diving, safe practices and emergency procedures. The content should include the general principle
of the diving techniques and the requirements of specific
operations. Diving contractors may, if they wish, prepare a
standard set of Diving Rules and supplement the standard set
by more specific instructions pertaining to particular situations.

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